If you have any concerns about your first acupuncture treatment, please take a look at the Frequently Asked Questions below, or take a moment to contact us.
Most patients are not aware of the needles once they have been inserted, and describe the feeling of the needles being inserted as “a small scratch”, “mosquito bite” or “pin prick”.
Yes. The needles we use are extremely fine, single-use needles, which are disposed of at the end of each treatment.
During the initial consultation a number of questions will be asked surrounding the major complaint (e.g. shoulder pain). Following this more questions will be asked that relate to your overall health and well being, such as your sleep, appetite, etc. Your pulse will be taken as well as a brief check of the tongue. This process enables diagnosis relevant to the major complaint as well as a traditional diagnosis to be made, giving a picture of overall health and well being. The most appropriate treatment will then be decided on.
Loose fitting clothes are preferable. Many professionals visit the clinic during work hours and a quick change and being draped with a towel is most common.
Every condition is different and every person responds differently. Usually a chronic condition (longer the 3 months) may usually take 8 – 10 treatments to get to a point where only occasional maintenance treatments are required.
For acute conditions you will usually experience some relief immediately or within 24 – 48 hours. Then between 6- 8 treatments to usually achieve point where practioner and patient are happy to be autonomous.
Note: many clients then choose to continue with regular health maintenance treatments as they see benefit in other areas of their health.
Western medicine generally focuses on and treats localised symptoms and problems, where as Eastern medicine looks at the same problems in relation to the whole body and how those problems affect and interact with each other. Acupuncture promotes the natural healing capacity of body.
Check that the acupuncturist is registered with the New Zealand Acupuncture Standards Authority. It can also help to ask for recommendations from friends and family.
Acupuncture is recognised and covered by ACC. We are ACC accredited providers. You don’t need a referral to receive ACC acupuncture but you do need to have your injury lodged by your Physiotherapist, Doctor, Osteopath or Chiropractor and provide us with an ACC 45 number.
ACC subsidises a number of acupuncture treatments for each injury. Receiving Acupuncture doesn’t reduce the number of treatments available to you by other providers such as physiotherapy.
Acupuncture used in combination with other treatment modalities can help you to a speedier recovery. See Our Fees for more information.
Acupuncture in pregnancy is recognised as a safe drug free solution to many health imbalances experienced during pregnancy, such as morning sickness, constipation, pelvic and sciatic pain. It has also been observed by midwifes to promote a more efficient labour, induce labour and may help turn breech or posterior babies.
MaxWell Clinic is one of a few fertility focused acupuncture clinics in Auckland. We provide Acupuncture for fertility / infertility and acupuncture with IVF, IUI, and other assisted fertility treatments as well as male fertility and acupuncture during pregnancy.
Pregnancy Acupuncture is safe, drug free and has been traditionally used for thousands of years to help manage many common conditions that occur during pregnancy.